Love Cocoa starts to plant 500,000 trees to combat deforestation.
Here at Love Cocoa, we have made it our mission to create a fairer and more sustainable chocolate industry.
In the face of climate change, we want to do our part to help save the environment and reverse deforestation to ensure chocolate can be enjoyed by generations to come. The problem begins right at the source: with the farming of the humble cocoa bean. We aim to tackle this issue head-on by planting one tree for every product sold.
From seed to sapling
Planting trees is not as easy as it looks. They take time, care, nourishment, patience and most importantly - love! We want to do our part in contributing to worldwide reforestation and are dedicated to planting as many trees as we can in the next year.
Having worked with our good friends at Trees for the Future over the past few months, we have sown the seeds for our first set of trees which have now begun to sprout! Check out the baby saplings progress below. From Tree seedlings on the left to Avocado seedlings on the right, some real progress is being made and beautiful plants are beginning to sprout.
The people
A big thank you goes out to our wonderful farmers who have dedicated their time and energy towards planting and caring for these trees.
Technicians have been trained under Trees for the Future's Forest Garden Training Approach, which has been designed to increase income and promote better nutrition among millions of chronically hungry people through planting trees.
This approach gives families the ability to transition from unsustainable farming techniques to a system that not only sustains and empowers them but changes their lives forever.
The impact
We are incredibly excited that our plant a tree project has come to sprout. As our trees start to grow, we hope our project too will grow and flourish into something spectacular.
With an aim to plant 500,000 trees this year, we are working with communities in 8 regions over Cameroon. From Santchou in Western Cameroon to Betare Oya in Eastern Cameroon, we are supporting 500 farmers in developing cocoa-centric agroforestry.
The farmers and technicians have worked together to develop high-quality organic compost to plant over 10 different species of seeds in nurseries to ensure the growth of more than 500,000 seedlings.
Have a look at the map below to see exactly where your chocolate bar has planted a tree!
We soon hope that these areas will grow to become luscious forests that can be farmed sustainably for generations to come!
What next?
Our project has only just begun and we're so excited to watch it progress! Make sure you keep an eye out on our blog for more updates and information about the project.