Think you're a chocoholic? Time to take our quiz on all things chocolate to test you and all your chocolate-loving companions.
Scroll down for the answers!
1. Which country is the largest producer of cocoa?
A. Ivory Coast.
B. Colombia
C. Peru
2. In which country was milk chocolate first invented?
A. The UK
B. Switzerland
C. Ecuador
3. How many cacao beans are required to make one kilo of chocolate?
A. 900
B. 700
C. 500
4. Which ancient civilisation used chocolate as a form of currency?
A. The Greeks
B. The Mayans
C. The Persians
5. Which country consumes the most chocolate per person per year?
B. Mexico
C. Switzerland
6. Are cocoa beans a fruit or a vegetable?
A. Fruit
B. Vegetable
7. In which country were chocolate trees first cultivated?
A. Kenya
B. Colombia
C. Mexico
8. The scientific name for the cocoa tree is Theobroma Cacao; what does Theobroma mean in Greek?
A. The food of the people.
B. The food of the gods.
C. The food of the king.
9. What language does the word 'chocolate' come from?
A. Nahuatl
B. Quechua
C. Latin
10. What health benefit as been associated with dark chocolate?
A. It's good for bones
B. It’s good for your liver
C. It’s good for your heart

1. A - The Ivory Coast accounts for 40% of global cocoa production.
2. B - The first milk chocolate bar was created by a Swiss manufacturer in 1875.
3. A - 900.
4. B - The Mayans valued cocoa to the point of using it to trade and barter.
5. C - On average, Swiss citizens eat around nine kilos of chocolate a year!
6. A - Cocoa beans are technically a fruit, but unfortunately we can't class a chocolate bar as one of our five-a-day!
7. C - Mexico (over 5,000 years ago).
8. B - Taken from the words Theos (meaning god) and broma (meaning food).
9. A - Nahuatl was the language of the Aztecs, who mixed cocoa with water and spices to make a bitter hot drink.
10. C - Dark chocolate contains a high level of antioxidants that fight inflammation and help protect us against heart disease.