The Perks of Loving Dark Chocolates

The Perks of Loving Dark Chocolates

Chocolate feel-good factor, myth or science? Reading The Perks of Loving Dark Chocolates 2 minutes

It has a rich flavour base

Dark chocolate has a deep, luxurious taste – there’s no doubt about it. There’s something special about a gourmet dark chocolate that makes it delicious on its own, however, dark chocolate can also provide a fantastic base for exquisite flavour combinations.

We’ve conjured up creations such as our Gin and Tonic 71% Dark Chocolate Bar and English Mint 71% Dark Chocolate Bar with this in mind, and we’re pretty happy with how it’s turned out. 

When a flavour perfectly compliments a dark chocolate’s subtle notes, true chocolate mastery is at play.

It’s (usually) vegan
Chocolate isn’t vegan friendly when it is mixed with whey, butter fat or milk, meaning milk and white chocolate is usually a no-go for those avoiding dairy. Dark chocolate often contains soya or cocoa butter like ours at Love Cocoa, making it the perfect treat for vegans.

We’ve even created our Single Origin Dark Baking / Hot Chocolate Buttons Tube so those who are dairy-free don’t have to miss out on the delight of a warm, luxury hot chocolate after a long day.

The health benefits
You may be a sceptic as to the extent of dark chocolate’s claimed health benefits. However, there is no denying that dark chocolate is a great sweet treat for those keeping an eye on their health.

As dark chocolate contains on average less sugar and more cacao solids than milk chocolate, it won’t send your blood glucose levels souring. You’ll also get a good dose of minerals such as iron, magnesium, copper and manganese.
Our dark chocolate is hand-made in Great Britain, using single-origin cacao from Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia – so you can add exceptional quality to the list of benefits!